suhaila rahiman.

App Development

I am fluent in PHP, MySQL, and Python. I hate using frameworks, but I can work with Laravel and Django. I dont care much about Object Oriented Programming. Will only implement OOP in app development if I am paid to. I am a Procedural programmer through and through.

Accounting Tutorial

I teach Financial and Management Accounting for SPM, STPM, A Level, LCCI Levels 1-4, CAT and ACCA. In 2005, I was awarded World and Country world Gold Medal for LCCI Financial Accounting. That probably is a testament to the fact that I am good in accounting. I am the eldest of ten siblings. I think that should be enough proof that I am good in teaching, or at least keeping students on their toes, no?

Books & Tax

OK. Since I am good in accounting, I mean, if you extrapolate that fact, you may come to conclusion that I am good in preparing financial statements and filing tax too. I have worked as an Accounting Exec handling full set accounts for one of many division in a medium size company. I liaised directly with external auditor and was in the team that files taxes. This was in Singapore, circa 2015. I don't know why I am telling you this. Maybe to prove to you that I can prepare your books and file tax for you. If you are a small business owner in Malaysia that is.
